Thank you to my supporters!

My BIGGEST THANK YOU, hands down goes out to [MY #1 FAN and SUPPORTER.] I couldn’t have done this without You. You’re Truly Amazing Individual, and I Love You more than words can express.

  • He’s the one that helped me make all of this happen. He’s been here from the very beginning, every step of the way.Still standing by, and never leaving my side. Through the good times and the bad.
  • He’s been My Personal Cheerleader, Media Coordinator, Secretary, and Personal Assistant for everything and anything that I’ve needed, or at least thought that I needed. He Truly Believes in Me, and My Visions. He pushed Me in the areas that I needed to be nudged in, in order to continue treading forward, and wouldn’t let me give up, or quit, when I thought the times seemed never ending, or I wasn’t able to see enough progress or a light at the end of the tunnel.

TO SECOND BEAST: Where to even begin. You’ve been the biggest support of all of My Visions, Dreams, and Desires of All. Depending on what stage of my journey I’m on, or was in, You’d place things in my path to motivate, and Inspire Me. You bring out the creative side of Me. I feel very Blessed to have You in My Life. I’m Excited to continue this Journey together… I LOVE YOU!!!!!! 🙂

TO MY CLEVELAND STREET ROOMIE: I want to say a Big Thank You to the endless night talks, emotional support and reliability. You’d drop whatever you were in the middle of doing without hesitation if I called and needed anything… Anything at all. You’re a true friend. I Love You!

TO MY SUPERMAN MR. JOEY: I know that /we haven’t known each other very long, but out of everyone I’ve ever come across in this precious life I’m Blessed to be living, You’re the very first person I’ve ever seen,give, and show so much Love and compassion to so many people. I’ve grown very fond of You. One of my absolute faves that I cherish oh so much, are our intellectual lecture seshes. You’re not just one of my irreplaceable business colleagues, you’re one of my dearest andclosest friends. I couldn’t see my life without you in it. I Love You!